So, the trip to California was life-changing. How's that for a sentence to live up to? Let me recount the days the lead up to the trip, the trip, and the way home.
Packing. Lots of lists. Lists that I didn't look at until Wednesday. Tim had toilet paper on his list. That was a surprising item for me. Usually, I expect hotels to provide toilet paper. I couldn't figure out why the Hilton wouldn't have such a necessity. Apparently, because of nervous stomachs, the port-o-lets run out of toilet paper, so THAT'S why I needed it. Thanks for the important item, Tim. I didn't use it, but I WAS glad I had it. So, I was still packing Thursday at 11:00 pm. I just hate trying to figure out what to wear. I underpacked. I always underpack. Luckily, I surround myself with people who overpack. I didn't have to handwash any underwear, so all-in-all I was good to go.
We left the house at the crack of dawn. My mother-in-law and her husband dropped us off at the airport and FINALLY, I had my ticket in my hand. You see, I am a person who has to consult itineraries and tickets a zillion times within the week of travel. Becky (the ticket hoarder) would not let us have them...overwhelming for me. I got to touch and hold my tickets! Wha-Hoooo! Paul and I are not travelers. Southwest does not assign seats. Instead, they have this "A, B, C system". Yup. Nice system. Let's just say this chickeepoo had to sit in the middle on every frickin' flight! The ride to Vegas was exciting, but I had to sit by an Asian man who must have eaten beans the night before...he was tooting up a storm. I tried to gamble in Vegas, but Becky (now the time keeper) insisted that I stop to make the connection to San Francisco. Ergggg....! I was certain that slot machine had my name on it.
San Francisco was amazing! Our limo bus even stopped at the Golden Gate bridge. We took several pictures and started to feel like a team! Unfortunately a goodly portion of my team hadn't eaten for 8 or so hours, so we had to stop to get something to eat. Okay, I am as flexible as the next guy, but the restaurant we stopped at...with a bus filled with

several people suffering from Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis...was McDonald's. I shit you not. While inside, Paul made a friend with a scary local guy. I wish I would have gotten his picture. Imagine a guy who looks like Crosby (of Crosby, Stills, and Nash), one hundred pounds heavier, in a shirt that is too small and clothes that have not been cleaned for at least 2 weeks, and his breath had the odor of alcohol and decaying teeth, combined with body odor. He thought we RAN to San Francisco from Wisconsin. Seriously. At the bridge, I took some real time to thank all those I was running for. I had their names listed on the back of my shirt. Thank you for gifting me their names. It was an honor...(Diddo, Jean, Aaron, Clara, Patty Pauer, Suzie, Mariah, and all the kids suffering with IBD)

We got to the hotel. Safe and sound. Paul and I had dinner and wine. Felt great to be here. Paul had the opportunity to meet my running friend, Mary Brown. Without her constant encouragement and wonderful stories, I would not have been able to make it. Thank you Mary, my friend. I was honored to attend the VIP party her. She raised over $8000 to fight Crohn's. Because of this, she was invited to attend a wine tasting at one of the vineyards. I was her guest and so very proud of her. Yup, she is one amazing lady--fighting the disease that affects her son and her mom. Tough stuff.
Saturday 6:45 a.m. run with the team. I have to say that Wisconsin has what it takes! We were the first to get up and run. It felt great to stretch the legs and hear everyone's feet working team, fighting for a cure! Once again, I took time to think about everyone who helped me get here.

Went to the EXPO to get my number. Funny story...Mary Brown thought she wasn't signed up. She believed that out of 3000 people, there was only one Brown in this race. She missed column two. So cute. Anyway, I was number 3303--I could tell by the pattern that it was a winner! I got to know Jenny Z's husband more at the expo. We, finally, met up with Kerry and her husband! Yeah, my running ladies were all accounted for.

Left the Expo and went to the pool. Expected to lay out and maybe jump in. Instead, drank a margarita and got sunburned. My toes...AGAIN. My left big toe is still blistered. Geez... There were many poor influences at the pool...poor influences, but in a good way. Jim bought the drinks, and the gang of Vegas mentors (Amy, Rochelle, Anne and Sarah) peer pressured me into taking the drink. Naughty. I did pay it forward, though...right Jenny Z and Song? Made sure you guys caved under the pressure of margaritas as well!
Pasta party. Overwhelming. To all those who shared your stories with me that night, thank you...sincerely....from the deepest depths of my soul...thank you. I hope Team Challenge helps finance research that finds a cure for our brothers, sons, sisters, daughters, mothers, fathers, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents. Too many children suffering. Too many adults dying. And, Miss Becky...Tyler...Tim...Anne...Mentors.....thank you for that cheer line. I was a proud member of Team Wisconsin that night.
Couldn't sleep. Made Paul stay awake with me. Kind of felt bad. Oh well.
The day of the race. Nerves got ahold of me. Too many bagels...too many stolen bananas...not enough sleep. Missed the runners picture waiting for the bathroom. Thankful I had the toilet paper if I needed it. Thankful we found the team before the start of the race...amazed by the beauty of the vineyards. I held to my promise of taking a picture every three miles and texting it to my baby girl. She sent encouraging text messages throughout the race with my friend Monica and her daughter, Allison. Mary and I stuck together...kept to our strategy and ran the whole thing...We caught up to the walkers and loved high-fiving them. I love our team! Betcha Greg missed running in front or behind missed some good stories! A little funnyism from me...never turned on my ipod, so I handed it off to Chris Tingley during the race. Didn't want my hydration belt anymore, so I handed it off to Sarah and Rochelle at mile 12 or so. It's so weird that I did that, but at the time, I just didn't want the extra stuff on me anymore...both of them took my stuff without question. Thanks!

The great thing about Team Challenge is that you never feel alone. Every mile Team Challenge is cheering for you at the water/bathroom stops. Throughout the race, coaches from every Team Challenge team encouraged the athletes. There wasn't a moment that I felt I wasn't going to finish the 13.1 miles. I couldn't wait to see my husband at the finish line. Don't know if you all know this, but my husband is ALWAYS at the finish line! Both of us had tears at the end. He is truly my rock and the guy that REALLY pushes me to do my best and makes me do MORE than what I think I can do. I finished in 2 hours and 34 minutes. I am really proud of that time. My goal? To finish the race! Made my goal.
Watched and cheered as my teammates finished one-by-one. Got to taste some amazing wine. got to eat some amazing food. Great morning. Yup! That's just the morning! Crazy, huh?

Took the limo bus from one of the levels of hell. The air conditioning didn't work in the bus. It was filled with hot, sweaty bodies, and stopped on a highway because of an accident, blowing hot air on everyone who is smelly, dehydrated, crabby and getting more tight as the minutes ticked away. In the seats behind Paul and I, ladies began talking baby talk, imitating their toddlers at home. I was overwhelmed. It took everything in me to not scream at the top of my lungs at the women behind us and go crashing through the bus doors. I was almost willing to risk being left on the side of the road at some points.

That night Paul and I celebrated our 15th anniversary in Bodega Bay. I can't describe the taxi driver in a true light. Let's just say that it almost cost a house payment to get to the restaurant and back. We now know the history of California and I think took a tour of the whole freakin' state! I was just thankful to get back to the hotel alive. I thought for sure that he was going to kill us and bury our bones in one of the vineyards. Fyi...the lobster tail was amazing.
Left California on Monday at 6:00 a.m. It was a full day of travel...stopping in Vegas and then, Kansas City. By this time, the team felt like a family. It was a beautiful day to really reflect on several things. Last year at this time, I thought I was going to be recovering from a surgery to remove my colon--this year, I ran 13.1 miles in California.
People had faith in me before I had faith in me. So many people on Team Challenge are faced with the challenges of this disease every day...whether as parents, siblings, or other caregivers.

Crohn's and Colitis is ugly; the people running/walking to fight this disease are so incredibly beautiful. Every person on the team had his/her own reason for joining this team. I believe that I was put on this team to hear everyone's reason, to share everyone's story, to meet every single one of you. Your faces are engraved in my memory. You all make me proud!
Marge: you are an amazing woman. You've come so far! Keep Going.
Mary-Pat and Jane: Love you busty girlfriends!
Fred: Always run with blades--leave it all on the track!
Mariah: You are truly my hero.
Greg and Nancy: You are the most upbeat people...keep fighting this disease!
Amy: You did it...and on a sore foot!
Rochelle: You kept me motivated. Thanks.
Sarah: Really? You just became a runner? Yup, totally motivating!
Jenny Z: I am not SNAKEY...just like to win!
Katy: Keep running!
Anne: Your Dailymile blog makes me motivated to keep exercising. Keep it up!
Dave: You may not be good with names, but you are an amazing man. So sincere!
Jim: You are just alcohol before a race!
John and Melissa: Thanks for a great night at VIP and advice on the race. You are so brave and upbeat, John. Great work fundraising!
Karen H.: You knew I could do it...thanks for that faith.
Howie and Carly: You ran with me when I was chafed...bad time during training. I so appreciated the conversation. Thanks for the humor! You two are an amazing couple...
Kerry: You got me to the finish.
Jeff: So glad I got to know you and follow you in every practice...did you notice you followed me in the Half? Had to give you a bit of a dig!
Song: I know you will be great--wherever life takes you!
Sam: Hey teacher! Keep smiling!
Karen: Greatest grandma in the world. I admire every fiber of your being. Great job!
Jenna: Talk about energy!
Tina: Watching you train with such passion was amazing.
Becky: The BEST cheerleader "in the world"!
Tyler: You have such passion, commitment and dedication. Thank you.
Kevin: Missed you in Napa, but thank you for believing in me throughout the practices!
Tim: Amazingly optimistic all the time...thanks for knowing that I would finish and getting my body ready for the 13.1 miles.
Mary: Well, you know how I feel...thank you for your friendship. Plain and simple.
Until next time....