Wow! There are so many people affected by Crohn's and/or Colitis. It is truly amazing how many people I have had the opportunity to meet through my participation in Team Challenge.
I met the parents of Aaron. His dad is the brother of my good friend. Aaron found out he had Crohn's when he was 11 years old. He is 19 years old now. He is living with the disease and on medication. I was overwhelmed by his story and his resilience. It must be so difficult for the parents of kids suffering with IBD disease. I am running for Aaron this week. It's because of him that I was able to run 6 miles yesterday...lost in thought.
Got a phone call from a friend, Patty Pauer. She has to switch medications. She has Crohn's. She's scared of all the new side effects. Just another thing that people suffering with this disease have to deal with...the side effects. So lucky that I could find such kind team members (Greg and Nancy Toler) who were willing to talk with her about her new medication. I ran for Patty on Saturday...3.1 miles (or according to Sandy Ehlert's chip 3.34 miles).
My hill hero this week is Trainer Tim! Thanks for talking me up those hills. I didn't stop to walk on Sunday...I kept running (against the wind, no less), even if it looked like I wasn't moving.
I am starting to freak out a bit. Monday, May 24th, I have a colonoscopy scheduled. Give me a hug when you see me this week because I get weepy even thinking about what happened just one year ago--the whole removing my colon, cancer, illeostomy bag, blah, blah. I NEED the biopsies to show that my disease is under control. I am feeling healthy, but sometimes I worry that my smile can't hide what might be happening inside my colon. I get caught up in the childish belief that if I wish hard enough, bad stuff won't happen.
I plan on going to practice on Sunday...don't know if I can run or not if I am fasting--Trainer Tim, a little help on that call? I do plan on running 8 miles on Saturday (instead of Sunday), though, as I think I won't be able to fast and run my longest on the day before a colonoscopy. My mom's house is about 8 miles from mine. A run from Sussex to the Falls via the Bugline. Anyone want to join me?
Thanks so much for reading my blog. Hope to see you at my party or running to the Falls on Saturday!
SILPADA JEWELRY party this THURSDAY from 4:30-7:00
It's an open house format, so please come and enjoy appetizers, beverages (my famous peach punch will be served), and jewelry.
I am a fellow athlete (yes once you train for anything you in fact become an athlete) and am doing lots of research on crohns and colitis. Dr's think that is what i am going through right now. please let me know of any other blogs you have found on this topic. I am still hopeful that it will not be, but only a tube up the A can determine that! good luck on your race! quite an accomplishment!