Feeling SO good about "Me" today that I just had to update my blog! Remember how I sucked up the Lakefront last week Sunday? Well, I decided to kick it in the rear this week.
Despite have a sinus "something", I kept to my training schedule. Let me update:
Monday: eliptical for 30 minutes while watching DVR'd Biggest Loser (Talk about motivation!)
Tuesday: shuffled, ahem...I mean jogged 45 minutes IN THE HEAT! Thought my head was going to burst. Ran a stupid route though...
Wednesday: 30 minute easy jog
Thursday: AFTER CONFERENCES, shuffled 48 minutes all over the town of Sussex. Should have shuffled my way to Su Casa...apparently missed a good time--bummed.
Friday: Bowled a 157! Whoot Whoot! (second game was a 103 but no need to talk about that one :) Who's the Ridgeview Bowling League's Champions???? 2 years in a row, no less!
Saturday: Jogged an easy 30 minutes against the wind--BOTH WAYS! Huh? How is that possible?
Sunday "Mother's Day": Breakfast in bed with my family, trip to Brennan's for sweet and juicy fruit, lunch at Mancino's, trip to Cabelas--Sarah got a gun, and back home. Ran 60 minutes on the Bugline to Lisbon Park. Loved every moment of my mother's day. Only problem? I now know why Mancino's sandwiches are called "GRINDERS." Ugh!

HERE'S MY CHALLENGE to all those following my blog this week. See if you can follow my training schedule? It might be tough because I saw rain in the forecast through Thursday...erg!
Monday: 16 mile bike ride
Tuesday: 45 minute easy shuffle--thinking of running Maple to Main to 164 to Good Hope to Maple (I call this my Starbuck Square-kinda catchy ain't it?).
Wednesday: 30 minute not so easy jog. I will admit that I don't know what "not so easy" means. I feel like I am stuck in one gear, but I will give it a shot. Dinner with Mom at Cafe Vinno--yum!
Thursday: 45 minute jog/shuffle/run--maybe a combination.
Friday: BREATHE..........ahhhhhhhhhh.....
Saturday: 5K for Ric Ballin at Lisbon Park. So proud to be a Hamilton School District educator who can support such a great teacher!
Sunday: Team Challenge at 9:00 am.
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