As you all know, I adore running with my team. This week was a stinker. It was the heat...AND the GOSH darn humidity. I had a vodka lemonade at the Falls parade on Saturday night, and I felt it while running on Sunday. I made it about 3 miles and walked with a teammate. I would have jogged the whole 6, but the opportunity to walk was there...and I took it. I was kind of a loser, but I work out every day in some way shape or form. I know I can run these 13 miles. Now I know I need to avoid vodka the night before the race. And, I got to chat with Stephanie. She is an amazing lady--business owner, mother of 2 young kids, and still has time for her husband and home...and baking cookies!

To make up for my lack of enthusiasm at the team practice, I went for a swim to train for the triathlon on Sunday. It was a lovely day in the water...couldn't feel the heat or the humidity! And, my family said I looked HOT in my wetsuit. Everyone looks hot in a wetsuit. But, I took the compliment for everything it was. Paul and Sarah push me so much and I really appreciate it. Even if I don't say it. Paul put golfing on hold to take me to the lake. If anyone out there is a golf enthusiast, you understand the sacrifice. Thankfully, the rain stayed away and he could go on Monday!
At Team practice, we decided we needed a top 5 for our Lakefront practices. So, here is what we came up with...with some additions from me!
1. Becky's incredible enthusiasm! Tim's and Anne's bright smiles :) Our mentors' support.
2. Seeing all of our Teammates ready to run/walk...getting family updates--babies, marriages, health news. Becoming friends.
3. The initial down hill on Lincoln Memorial Drive.
4. Alterra's bathroom and water cooler.
5. Beauty of the lakefront and the diversity of people we pass by (many of whom take time to say "good morning"--How great is that?). High-fives from our TEAM as we pass!
1. The smell right after the downhill on Lincoln Memorial Drive. YUCK!
2. The litter that is left after Saturday night partying on the Lakefront.
3. Humidity.
4. The uphill (that started as a downhill) at the end of our run on Lincoln Memorial Drive.
5. Chafing...anywhere...anytime.
- I am going to miss the last team practice next Sunday to be with my girlfriends at the Trek Triathlon. I am so excited! I know it's an event, but I just love being with the ladies. It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to do this, but I am glad I am. Think of me on Sunday around 7:30 am. I will be swimming 1/2 mile across a lake only to jump on a bike and ride a few more miles and finish 'er up with a quick 3.1 mile fun run! I'm taking this one easy! I hope to smile through the whole thing. Expect "poses" in the race pictures!
- Lastly, anyone thinking of Storming the Bastille on Thursday night? I have never run this one and thought it would be fun! Let me know if you are going, I will tag along!
Go TEAM CHALLENGE! Go TEAM WISCONSIN! A big shout out to my NAPA or BUST...busty girlfriends! Kickin' Crohns and Colitis in the BUTT, one dollar at a time--GRRRRRRRR!
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