I have discovered one thing...there are a lot of people out running in Sussex at 5 in the morning! I think I "ran into" at least 6 people and half of them I knew. Just a few months ago I was dead to the world at this time, while others were out getting themselves in shape! And, now, I am one of those crazy people.
I got my bike out this week AND stuck with the jogging training schedule. Kind of feel rock starish. I was even told that I LOOKED LIKE A RUNNER this week. Seriously? I have never been given that kind of compliment. In fact, my husband is getting incredibly frustrated with my need to "keep a little energy--just in case" mentality with every sport I do. When I finish anything, including the 8 mile jog, I am never totally exhausted. Paul can't stand that I don't have a competitive edge in my attitude. Why don't I? I'm okay...just finishing. So, for Paul, I promise to try and use all my stored energy in my runs. I promise to come home from the short runs exhausted...

Had to stop for water at mile 5...okay, I didn't have to stop. But, I really wanted just a slurp of something wet and cold. So, I stopped at Cousin's. Such a great girl who gave me the water cup. I only had a 5K to go from Cousin's to my home! During the last three miles, I had to get my mind on something else. I was sick of the songs on Sarah's ipod and really needed a way to pass my time...
I thought about the top 5 reasons I love to jog:
1. I love to get lost in my thoughts
2. I like the change in the shape of my legs
3. There is a high that comes from a good jog and support from friends
4. I have met a lot of dogs--big and small
5. I get to hang out with Team Challenge
I also thought about the top 5 things that annoy me when I jog:
1. People who smoke cigarettes--nothing like jogging by a car who's owner smoke.
2. Unleashed dogs--they love to run after objects (me) running! especially little yippy ones
3. Constantly feeling like I have to go to the bathroom
4. Sweating...I just don't like it.
5. Gnats
Silpada Party Update:
The party went really well. I am seriously blessed with friends who love jewelry. I am right there with ya! Julie Cimpl gave me a percentage of each sale. I don't know the total yet, but I am once again thankful for everyone's generosity!
Just finished the last of the "prep" for my colonoscopy in 2 short hours. I am fearful...don't know why...please, oh please, colon...look healthy.
Hope everyone has a great week! Only 13 more days with the kiddos before I get to be home wiht my kiddo for the summer!!!!