Also, my confidence comes from the support system that put me in the 100 club. I received over 100 donations. That means that my "team" is well over 100 people if you add in all the families who made one donation for their whole family. This is the part that completely overwhelms me. Thanks for being my mental and spiritual support when I wasn't motivated to run. I keep training because I know that you guys all thought months ago that I would be able to do this...and now I can.
This last week was a rough one. Here's the update:
- Chafing update: Last week I ran in the cute skort you see above. It was the worst decision ever! I have a few remnants of that experience left in my inner thighs. I wore my old, cheap Adidas shorts this week and no chafing! Nike sucks!
- New blood blister under the toe next to my big toe. Must of worn bad socks??? It doesn't hurt, but it's ugly, so I am now wearing brown sparkly nail polish. That was Sarah's suggestion.
- Sarah was at camp and in the play Annie, Jr. She was a usherette and servant (she's the one in the green checkered apron).
She also made a short appearance as a cold passerby in New York. She loved this experience. I think the acting bug has gotten hold of her!
- However, while at camp, she acquired a rash that has turned into blisters and involved 2 visits to urgent care, a call to a nurse, and a call to Dr. Mark. Wondering what the rash is? No one knows. I can't tell anymore if it's going away. Her feet are so blistered that she struggles putting shoes on.
- I love running in 50-60 degree weather. I didn't know that until I ran in 80 degree weather. It was hot this week. Many of you know that I smile my way through every run. (I don't know why I smile all the time...I just do). Well, this week nary a smile came across my face. It was just plain frickin' hot and frickin' humid. California won't be like this, right????
- Sarah ate a piece of taffy for breakfast...good mother alert, sorry. Wasn't watching. She cracked her "funky tooth". Had to take her to the dentist for a quick 15 minute fix. An hour later, we left the dentist. Are you following Sarah's crappy week? It's a good thing she has a positive attitude!
- Went for a 6 mile run on the bugline. I know that the bugline is buggy, but I really hate just HOW buggy it is. Nature update: saw a doe and fawn (again), over 10 chipmunks, a dead frog, and a woodchuck. A horsefly kept buzzing me...hate that! My face started itching. I ran with some makeup on. Must be allergic the new makeup. Guess I decided to join my baby girl in her rash experience. Still itchy and irritated...but not blistery.
- Paul rode his bicycle to work on Friday. It sounded like an incredible adventure! I love that he is joining the Go Green effort that Sarah keeps lecturing him about. If he doesn't watch it, he might become a democrat! Naw...hell would have to freeze over, first.
- Sarah won 3rd place for a picture she drew in a Humane Society art competition. If you visit HAWS in Waukesha, look for her picture!

So, as I close the blog for this week, I will again thank all of you for your support of what I am no longer believing is such a crazy idea. I love training for Napa! I have met so many incredible people--half of whom got caught in the downpour yesterday at training and still powered on...--and really gotten my body in shape and had the opportunity to see my husband truly proud of me. Thanks for asking how training is going and for supporting me when I get lazy. Keeping my face toward the SUNSHINE!
Napa or Bust!